Center of Research and Sports Resources (C2RDS)

Unique in France, the Center of Research and Sports Documentary Resources (C2RDS) has different missions:

  • Greet, informed and oriented the public on history and sports sociology
  • Collect, preserve documentation, archives of sports and contribute to their diffusion
  • Highlight the sport heritage through exhibitions and publications
  • Promote and spread research on sports facts (publications and colloquium)
  • Play a local, national and international role as research center on sports facts

Additionally, C2RDS welcome and inform public everyday (except Tuesday and weekend) from 10am to 5pm by appointment. Provision its collections (documents only available for consultation on place)

The National Sports Museum (MNS) received since 1963 documentaries collections on sports. These collections given by athletes, collectors, private person and sports institutions are made up of programs, periodical, archives, pictures and old footages. The collection recount the history of French sport from XIXth century to nowadays.

Key figures:

  • 20 000 publications
  • 1 500 periodical
  • 250 000 documentaries brochures
  • 460 tickets
  • 1 800 programs
  • 110 000 photography
  • 1 000 old movies
  • 150 private archival fond

Services from the research center and the sport documentaries resources:

  • Documentaries research
  • Design of documentaries files
  • Expertise on sports history, on museography of sport exhibition
  • Design of educational panel for it itinerant exhibition (high school, college, university library)
  • Conferences cycles for adults
  • Day of debates in the Café des Sports


Catalog of documentation online (program, press, archives)

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